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Travel journalism for the silver traveller

How many travel journalists can you name who specialise in witing exclusively for the older. wealthier and more discerning silver traveller?

Not many? Then you could be missing out on influencing the most important readership in the UK. Silver travellers spend more on holidays than any other group, and they take holidays more frequently.

They’re active, adventurous, culturally curious and always on the look-out for new and exciting travel destinations and experiences. Plus, they insist on the highest standards of comfort and service, Consequently, what they look for in travel journalism is well-researched and well-written articles which help them to make more informed choices about how to enjoy more upmarket holidays.  

This makes them a more challenging readership to write for because they demand travel journalism which not only recognises their greater knowledge and experience, but also respects their judgement.

Which brings us to me. I’m an award-winning, freelance travel journalist of some 30 years’ experience. I’ve written for the travel sections of most of the national newspapers in the UK as well as a number of specialist travel magazines and websites. But, and perhaps more importantly, I’m now also an age 60+ silver traveller myself.

So, if you want to commission travel journalism that truly understands and reflects this all-important readership, then you’ll need a travel journalist who knows how these readers think and feel. After all, it takes one to know one. And that’s me. And my name is Bob Maddams.

Silver travellers spend more on travel and holidays than any other group

Silver travellers have an eye for luxury and service, and aren't prepared to compromise

Silver travellers may be older but they haven't lost their sense of adventure

Silver travellers enjoy more exclusive escapes and destinations